STEPANAKERT — According to the preliminary data, reported by Deputy defense minister of Artsakh Artur Sargsyan, the Armenian side has suffered 16 losses and more than 100 wounded as a result of the military aggression unleashed by Azerbaijan on Sunday.

Spouse of the Armenian prime minister Anna Hakobyan together with wife of the president of Artsakh Kristina Harutyunyan visited today the wounded soldiers in the Republican medical center in Stepanakert.

“Wishing good health and speedy recovery to all our wounded citizens”, Anna Hakobyan said on Facebook.

Civilian Casualties

Artsakh civil authorities have reported that 2 civilians were killed and over 30 were injured. More than 50 civilian settlements of Artsakh have been targeted by Azeri shelling.

Azeri Lieutenant-Colonel and 200 Servicemen Killed

Lieutenant-Colonel of Azerbaijani armed forces killed amid attacks on Artsakh
Lieutenant-Colonel of the Azerbaijani armed forces Mehman Miraziz oglu Shirvanov, born in 1980, has been killed in the military operations unleashed by Azerbaijan against Artsakh, the Azerbaijani media and users of social networks report.

The Azerbaijani side has about 200 losses in manpower, official representative of the Armenian Ministry of Defense Artsrun Hovhannisyan told a briefing today.

Furthermore, it has lost 3 helicopters, about 20 drones, including shock ones, as well as 30 tanks and infantry fighting vehicles.

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