BEIRUT – Immediately following the August 4th devastating explosion in Beirut, three hospitals were destroyed and two severely damaged, causing the remaining hospitals to reach capacity. Facing the crisis, Beirut’s Armenian Educational Benevolent Union (AEBU) immediately transformed its Socio-Medical Dispensary clinic into an urgent care facility, where medical professionals and volunteers treated and helped the injured.

AEBU’s clinic, which is at the heart of the hardest hit neighborhoods in Beirut, with the help of volunteers also delivered medicine, water and food to elderly residents, established a food bank, helped with the cleaning and the start of a rebuilding process, and provided shelter to those in need near the blast site.

On the evening of Friday, August 7, a special social skill support program for the children of the impacted neighborhoods, took place in front of the AEBU center. It was organized by AEBU’s psychologists, social workers, and educators with the help of the Dekhrouni Student and Youth Association members. The children sang and danced in a happy atmosphere to ease their anxiety, stabilize their mental status (after the traumatic event on August 4th), and create hope. At the end, AEBU treated the children and their parents with candy and refreshments.

These are the latest benevolent programs that AEBU Lebanon has provided to the Lebanese people who have recently faced dire circumstances caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, economic and political instability.

For those interested in donating to AEBU’s efforts, please visit


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