NEW YORK — Carolyn Rafaelian, Founder of Alex and Ani, is on the cover of Forbes’ third annual America’s Richest Self-Made Women issue. She is the first Armenian American women to make a Forbes List. The issue, which comes out June 13th, features the country’s most successful self-made women who have crashed ceilings through invention and innovation.
By turning what women wear on their wrists into affinity statements, Rafaelian, who is now America’s richest jeweler, has grown the Alex and Ani brand into a company worth more than $1 billion. The jeweler is working on world domination and possibly an IPO.
Carolyn started accessories brand Alex and Ani in 2004 and has since made it one of the fastest growing brands in the United States. Carolyn’s drive to succeed is fueled by her dedication to creating jobs and Made in America product – most notably in Providence, Rhode Island where the company is based – and her Charity by Design program which will give back an estimated $50M in July of this year. Alex and Ani creates meaningful, eco-conscious jewelry and accessories to positively empower and connect humanity.