LOS ANGELES — The USC Institute of Armenian Studies invites undergraduate and graduate students to a weekend retreat in Hollywood, California, to pursue innovative, out-of-the-box, disruptive thinking about Armenians in the 21st century. This retreat is an opportunity to engage directly with thought-leaders and change-makers. The purpose of the retreat is to create a collegial environment for critical thinkers and future leaders with a solid sense of a global Armenian identity.

University students in US and Canada (in any major) are invited to apply to participate in exploring the questions facing Armenians in the 21st century from a perspective of a variety of disciplines.

Here are a few examples:
– How can Armenians globally cultivate an identity, image, and values that contribute to a post-modern multicultural world?
– How can Armenian institutions transform to address the critical need for Armenian language vitality, develop a meaningful relationship with the Republic of Armenia, and tackle the issue of Nagorno-Karabakh’s survival?
– How do changes in Turkey, Russia, Iran, and the US impact Armenia and the South Caucasus region?

retreatSubmit three questions of your own, together with your name, phone number, email, permanent address, university, and major by December 18, 2016. Send to [email protected].

Selection decisions and location will be announced on December 21, 2016.

All Los Angeles-area expenses (lodging, food) will be covered by the Institute. A limited number of stipends are available to subsidize travel expenses.

Discussion facilitators will include distinguished names from the worlds of technology, the arts, and academia.

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