By Hambersom Aghbashian
Nur Sürer (b. 1954, Bursa- Turkey) is a Turkish actress and women’s rights activist. She graduated from Bursa Anatolian High School for Girls in 1971. Her debut role was in “Bereketli Topraklar Uzerinde” (On Fertile Lands), directed by Erden Kiral. She is known for her more politically themed roles, notably with regard to prison conditions and women’s rights. So far, she has appeared in more than 40 films. Nur Sürer has received the following awards: “Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival (1982)- Best actress, Bir Gunun Hikayesi,” ” Antalya Golden Orange Film Festival (1989)- Best actress, Ucurtmavi Vurmasinlsr, and Ankara Film Festival (2002)- Best actress, Sur Cocuklan.
January 19, 2008, was the first anniversary of the Turkish-Armenian journalist Hrant Dink’s assassination. Many commemoration were organized and took place in Turkey, Germany, USA, and England. The main commemoration took place in front of the Armenian newspaper Agos in Istanbul where Dink was shot to death. One of the commemoration events which took place in Istanbul was bringing the work of late Hrant Dink to life with the voices of Memet Ali Alabora, Okan Bayulgen, Haluk Bilginer, Yetkin Dikinciler, Halil Ergun, Pakrat Estukyan, Arsen Gurzap, Banu Guven, Nejat Işler, Tuncel Kurtiz, Fikret Kuskan, Omer Madra, Lale Mansur, Meral Okay, Dolunay Soysert, Nur Surer, Cetin Tekindor, Deniz Turkali and Serra Yilmaz.
Under a head line “Armenian genocide commemorated for the first time in Turkey”, (April 24.2010) mentioned that “ Though similar demonstrations have become a tradition, this year was somewhat different because a group of Turkish intellectuals expressed their sadness over the sufferings that occurred almost a century ago. Three protests took place in Taksim Square, the Haydarpaşa Train Station and in front of the Turkish-Armenian Agos weekly. A sit-down strike organized by the ‘Say No to Racism and Nationalism initiative’ in Taksim Square was attended by a group of public figures including Professor Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoðlu, Roni Marguiles, Alper Görmüþ, Ferhat Kentel, Erol Katýrcýoðlu, Ümit Kývanç, Ömer Laçiner, Ufuk Uras , artists Nur Sürer, Zeynep Tanbay and many others. (1)