CHICAGO — The Armenian Evangelical Union of North America (AEUNA) held its 23rd Biennial General Assembly June 23-26, 2016 at Double Three by Hilton Hotel Skokie, IL, hosted by the Armenian Evangelical Church of Chicago.
The theme of the convention was “Reclaiming the Zeal of Our Founders” and Rev. Jackson Crum was its main speaker. 280 participants, including the Armenian Evangelical Youth Fellowship (AEYF), which was also having its 20th General Convention, enjoyed three days of worship and fellowship, and conducted business meetings.
During the General Assembly AEUNA celebrated the 170th Anniversary of the Armenian Evangelical Church, and The hosting church (of Chicago) celebrated its 100th Anniversary.
The Assembly concluded on Saturday evening with a Gala Banquet, where retired Armenian Evangelical Pastors were honored for their faithful ministry in AEUNA, and a joint worship service on Sunday morning with the local Armenian Evangelical Church.
The General Assembly adopted the following resolutions:
-Rev. Berdj Djambazian was elected for four-year term of service as Minister to the Union.
– Rev. Dr. Ara Chakerian was elected as Moderator and Rev. Dr. Avedis Boynerian as vice-moderator of the Board of Directors of the AEUNA.
-Rev. Dr. Ara Jizmejian was appointed as Eastern Region Director of AEUNA/AEYF ministries.
-The revised AEUNA By-Laws was ratified by the General Assembly.