ANKARA ( — Aside from Azerbaijan, Turkey likewise is concerned by the display of the installations of long-range ballistic missiles at the military parade that was held Wednesday in capital city Yerevan, on the 25th anniversary of independence of Armenia.

Turkish press reflected on the Iskander long-range ballistic missiles that were displayed during the parade, and noted that they pose a threat to several countries in the region.

Dünya Bülteni (World Bulletin) news portal of Turkey, in particular, wrote that the Iskander, which is considered one of the world’s most effective missile system and which can hit all the way to Sivas (Sebastia, in Armenian) town in central Turkey, is a part of Armenia’s arsenal.

The portal also noted that the S-300 long range missile systems, which pose a threat to Turkey, also stand for duty in the armed forces of Armenia.

Iskander-M missile range
Iskander-M missile range
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