MOSCOW — Deputy Prime Minister of Armenia Mher Grigoryan, Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Shahin Mustafayev and Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Aleksey Overchuk held the first meeting of the trilateral working group in Moscow on January 30, 2021 to discuss the practical modalities of reopening transport links in the region, the Russian government reported.
The participants of the tripartite working group decided to set up expert subgroups on railway, road, combined transport, security, border, customs, sanitary, veterinary, phytosanitary and other types of control.
The formation of the subgroups is scheduled to be completed by February 2, and the first session is to be held by February 5.
The reopening of rail and road links in the region implies reopening of roads between Azerbaijan’s exclave Nakhichevan and the rest of Azerbaijan through southeastern Armenian province of Syunik. Armenia is supposed for its part to use Azerbaijani territory as a transit route for cargo shipments to and from Russia
It was also decided to hold the next meeting of the trilateral working group in Moscow. The date will be agreed by the Co-Chairs on a working basis.