By Nazig Bedrosian

Nowadays, we are going through a very hard situation in regard to the spread of pandemic; panic-stricken feeling coupled with anxiety increase among people. As a consequence, following eagerly up every tiny detail in the daily news becomes a spontaneous habit for us, aiming to find a glimpse of hope for retrieving our normal life. But let us ask ourselves this question,
“What is the reason of that aggravated scare?”

The reply is: “We are afraid of losing life.” hence, depending on this point, we conclude that the desire towards maintaining life will intensively increase when the risk of death approaches, furthermore, the challenge for staying alive, will also rise up lest we lose life. So, “How precious the life is!”

After reading the introduction, the readers will completely astonish for it has no relation with the topic; by way of contrast, the significance will be pretty obvious in the forthcoming lines.

Actually, The 24th of April of this year (the Armenian genocide commemoration) will coincide with world’s current events. So, within this silence where life seems entirely motionless, the imagination suddenly transfers me to the genocide’s site. I hear moaning of kids, screaming of mothers, thundering gun shots; suppressed voices beseeching rescue, wailing of unarmed men during execution, and sound of bare-feet steps lifted exhaustedly up to continue walking in the desert of “Deir Zour”, without knowing it would be the giant pile of their corpses. This was, indeed, the Armenians gloomy destiny 105 years ago, when they were subjected to the hugest genocide crime in the 20th century, through which a considerable number – estimated 1.5 million – of innocent Armenians have been slaughtered, unmercifully, with no reason. If you read the Armenian history, you will definitely shock and horrify from inhuman and brutal means utilized by Ottoman Empire’s leaders in eradicating the Armenian Nation who were living under the mentioned empire sovereignty. To demonstrate, as long as life is the most precious gift granted by God, so no one has the right to kidnap it, unless otherwise the Mighty God, Himself, retrieves it according to his specified time.
How about barbarous actions of Turk criminals when they, in 1915, savagely grabbed more than 1.5 million lives?

Being one of Armenian genocide survivor’s granddaughters, I undoubtedly possess an excessive sensitivity in feeling my afflicted -nation pain. Although neither an eloquent tongue nor an iconic narrator could describe accurately the distressing events, but my noble ancestor’s agonies urge me to compare their case with our horrible fright during corona virus’s spread. In spite of being the two cases thoroughly different; however, they lead to the same point, and that is “losing life.” Were their lives worthless and valueless to this extent? If yes, then, how much patience did they have for enduring those heartbreak scenes and tremendous hardships?

Alas! How much deprivation, yearning, and regret are there in every Armenian’s heart! Nevertheless, owning concentrated strength facilitated the impossible dream to become a reality. Who believes that the countable survivors who had the opportunity to escape with bloody and bare feet from Gendarme’s swords, by finding shelters in safe havens worldwide, could be able to increase tenfold, and write their own miserable history in their native language to be a genuine guide, likewise, a tremendous evidence for the coming generations in acknowledging their past – this within itself deems a great victory for the Armenian Nation, and meantime unbelievable Miracle!

More importantly, we should never forget; but on the contrary, devotedly complement our holy obligations towards victim’s souls. The main one is to acquaint the coming generations the tragedy of their nation for perceiving its own history, secondly raise confidence and enthusiasm to persist the path of struggle, and finally boost morale to grasp lessons for overcoming their difficulties.

Finally, to our dignified martyrs and victims of genocide,
You will stay forever alive through us. We owe an honorable appreciation, and reverential respect to your heroic tasks in defending language, religion and culture.

We pledge that your innocent souls will stay our intimate companions during lifetime and your sublime past an illuminated spot to encourage us reclaim dignity, and demand rights as well.

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