ANKARA — The Turkish president’s press office has taken another step towards the denial of the Armenian Genocide by launching a new website,, which is aimed at fighting against “Armenian Genocide claims”, Ermenihaber reports.
“This website will respond to Armenian Genocide slander used against our country at every possible opportunity in the international area, by putting historical information and data to the fore,” Daily Sabah quoted Turkey’s Presidential Communications Director Fahrettin Altun as saying.
The website features the following sections: The Events of 1915, Official Declarations, Court Decisions, Armenian Terror and Questions and Answers.
The website promotes the ideas of the Turkish state on the Armenian Genocide issue, such as “leaving history to historians”, “opening archives”, “common sorrow”, “fatalities by both sides” and “hurting the Armenian-Turkish settlement by decisions of third-country parliaments”.
The website has a separate section on “Turkish diplomats killed in the Armenian Secret Army for the Liberation of Armenia (ASALA) operations” from 1975 to 1985.
1 comment
Mr. corrupt Erdogan all your negative and rejections about the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE OF 1915-1923 ARE NOT VALID. You were not born when the ARMENIAN GENOCIDE HAPPENED. Therefore you and all your statements are fraudulent and not acceptable. The same applies to your reference that “living history to historians”. Tell us if any living historians were alive in 1915-1923? The ARMENIAN GENOCIDE OF 1915-1923 is indeed a factual and true GENOCIDE, organized, planned and executed by the then Government of Turkey. Mustafa Kemal Ataturk’s Government officially and by Court Decision issued CAPITAL PUNISHMENT AGAINST TALAAT, ENVER, DJEMAL AND ALL THOSE, WHO FLED TURKEY AT THAT TIME, WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE. The Court Orders were officially accepted and approved by Mustafa Kemal Ataturk and his then ruling Government of Turkey. Mr. corrupt and fascist Erdogan you are trying to re-write the factual Turkish Government History. Shut your FALSE PROPAGANDA MACHINES AND RECOGNIZE THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE OF 1915-1923. The First Genocide of the 20th Century during which time your grandparents and your parents benefited tremendously by illegally confiscating ARMENIA PROPERTIES. During the last 104 years you and your criminal and corrupt Turkish Government were unable to convince the civilized societies of the world your “negative rejectionist opinion” about THE ARMENIAN GENOCIDE. Therefore, shut all your false propaganda machine and APPROVE A HISTORIC FACT BY “ACCEPTING, RECOGNIZING AND MAKING TURKEY’S RESTITUTIONS” to the ARMENIAN NATION.