MISSION HILLS — The Ararat-Eskijian Museum (AEM) and USC Shoah Foundation are announcing an upcoming presentation “The Promise: Contextualized with Testimony”.  Sunday November 10th, 2019, 4PM Ararat-Eskijian Museum/Sheen Chapel 15105 Mission Hills Rd., Mission Hills Ca 91345.

This unique presentation invites the general public to watch key scenes from The Promise extended with audiovisual testimony of survivors and witnesses to the Armenian Genocide. Through an interactive guided viewing with Dr. Carla Garapedian and Sedda Antekelian, Education and Outreach Specialist, Armenian Genocide Education at USC Shoah Foundation, attendees will learn about significant details about the production of the film and how testimony extends the historical understanding of the Armenian Genocide beyond the film.

Dr. Carla Garapedian is the Associate Producer and Historical Consultant of The Promise, 2016. Garapedian is an accomplished and renowned filmmaker, award-winning director of the film “Screamers”, writer and broadcaster. Garapedian continues to produce film and documentaries, consults on diverse projects and programs and serves as an active advocate and researcher.

Sedda Antekelian is the Education and Outreach Specialist, Armenian Genocide education at USC Shoah Foundation. Antekelian develops testimony-based educational content for educators and students and leads educator training workshops on how to teach with testimony in the classroom. Antekelian has experience in the educational sphere for over eight years.

Free admission and open to the public.

For more information call the Ararat-Eskijian Museum at 747-500-7584 or e-mail [email protected].

Live Stream through Ararat-Eskijian Museum.com Website or Facebook     

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