LOMA LINDA, CA — A group of explorers claim they know where the biblical Noah’s Ark is. The Daily Star reports, in the Bible, God supposedly asked Noah to take two of every animal on board to save them from a great flood that he was planning to purge the Earth.

In Genesis 8:4, it’s claimed the Ark came to land on Mount Ararat in modern-day Turkey after 150 days. Now a California-based “ark hunter” claims he has new evidence that the boat’s remains are still up on the mountain.

Professor Raul Esperante from the Geoscience Research Institute is planning to visit sites around the mountain to look for new evidence.

“The result of my findings will be published in books, publications and journals, but at this point it is too early to know what we are going to find,” Esperante said, according to the Nation. “Once the scientific community knows about the existence of Noah’s Ark in Mount Ararat, we can make it available to the general public.”

Recently more than 100 researchers from across the world came together for a three-day conference on Noah’s Ark in Agri in Turkey. Back in 2010 a group of evangelical Christians claimed they had found parts of the Ark on the mountain. After a few weeks, the Chinese and Turkish team claimed to have found parts of the ark 13,000ft (4,000m) up Mount Ararat.

The team claimed carbon dating had proved the wood was 4,800 years old, matching the time when the ark was supposed to be afloat.

The professor has urged for investment for a full investigation, but admitted: “At this point it is too early to know what were are going to find.”

“There have been, from the 19th century through the present, many claims that Noah’s Ark has been discovered around Mount Ararat,” Brent Landau, a biblical scholar at the University of Texas at Austin who was not affiliated with the recent work, told Newsweek over email. “But these claims have almost always been made by biblical literalists, who believe that the Bible is 100 percent true, so they are certainly not conducting their investigations from a neutral scientific perspective.”

The Geoscience Research Institute isn’t an impartial entity; it’s sponsored by the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

1 comment
  1. Study the book of Jasher in (chapter 6:35), it says: And the waters decreased in those days, and the ark rested upon the mountains of Ararat. According to the Book of Genesis of the Old Testament, Noah’s Ark landed on the “mountains of Ararat” (Genesis 8:4). It says Mountain(s) of Ararat and not Mountain Ararat, meaning Ararat sounds more like a specific location or region rather than the name of a specific mountain that the ark rested on.
    Check this site out and discover how many places in the world named Mount Ararat: https://geotargit.com/called.php?qcity=Mount%20Ararat

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