By Hambersom Aghbashian

Lale Mansur (born 1956 in Istanbul- Turkey) is a Turkish famous actress. Her brother is the well know musician and singe Sanar Yurdatapan, and her husband is the well known musician Cem Mansur. Lale Mansur started her artistic career life at Istanbul State Opera, where she served for many years as a prima ballerina. In 1992 she acted in a documentary film for BBC, then she acted in ‘Travelers Dream‘ which was directed by Atif Yilmaz. Lale Mansour acted in many other films including ‘ Conversely World‘, 1993, ‘American’ in 1995, ’Cemil‘ in 1997, etc.. She was awarded “Best Actress award” in the 15th Ankara International Film Festival, for her film “Encounters”, and in the 29th Antalya Film Festival, for her film “Travelers Dream” 1992, also in the 7th Sadri familiar Awards, for her “She Loves Me” 2002. Lale Mansur played more than 30 films and series.

Lale Mansour is one of the Turkish intellectuals who, in December 2008, signed an apology for the “great catastrophe of 1915”. This was a clear reference to the Armenian Genocide. The following is the brief text of the apology: “My conscience does not accept the insensitivity showed to and the denial of the Great Catastrophe that the Ottoman Armenians were subjected to in 1915. I reject this injustice and for my share, I empathize with the feelings and pain of my Armenian brothers and sisters. I apologize to them”. The signatories also announced a website related to this apology, and called on others to visit the site and sign the apology as well.(1)

On 24 April 2010, and under the title “Victims of the Armenian Genocide to be commemorated in Istanbul square, wrote: “According to CNN Turk, April 24, Commemoration Day of innocent victims of the Armenian Genocide, will be marked in Taksim square of Istanbul, Turkey. Intellectuals are expected to get together to condemn the 1915 tragedy. According to the source, over 60 political figures, scientists, writers, artists are due to participate in the event. The initiation is held under “This is Our Pain. This is a Mourning for All of Us” slogan. According to the source, Turkish intellectuals Ahmet Insel, Ali Bayramoglu, Baskin Oran, Ipek Calislar, Lale Mansur and others have signed the address to inform about the event. (2)

Under the title “Sisters and brothers in Humanity, we will commemorate, together and in Turkey, the Armenian genocide,” EUJS ( European Union of Jewish Students), has released an announcement on 22.4.2013. The following are some abstracts, “ It has been 98 years since, following a premeditated plan with a methodic implementation, one million and a half Armenians were massacred in the Ottoman Empire. Today in Turkey, the mere enunciation of this historical fact still provokes ferocious opposition, sometimes even physical threats, and genocide denial serves as an encouragement to racism and hate against Armenians and other minorities. Some want to make believe that acknowledging the reality of the Armenian Genocide is an attack on all Turkish people and on “Turkishness”, whereas it is an attack on genocide denial and a step towards justice and democracy.” The announcement continues giving more details and at the end it says “In solidarity, for justice and democracy, for the respect of the victims and their descendents, we will commemorate together the Armenian Genocide this April 24th, in Turkey, or support these who will do so.” The Press release was signed by a long list of intellectuals from different countries including Turkey. Lale Mansur was one of the signees. (3)


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