An afternoon luncheon fundraiser for displaced Armenian Syrian students at Haigazian University, became a reunion of sorts with alumni, philanthropists, clergy, government officials, and friends. They had one goal—to raise much needed scholarship funds for the displaced Armenian Syrian students studying at Haigazian. Their goal was realized. All attending were painfully aware of the need— and were generous. A current, informative report was given by Dr. Ani Darakjian, Chairwoman of the Haigazian University Board of Trustees. A video chat of these students with University President Paul Haydostian, was viewed.
Joyce Naltchayan Boghosian, daughter of the late White House Photographer Harry Nalchayan, was the event’s highlight. Her PowerPoint photos gave an exclusive glimpse into her world of the privilege and pressures as a White House photographer. She shared how each president, in his own way, treated her warmly and with respect as she entered his personal life. Joyce Boghosian’s calm demeanor belies the pressures that were present in her White House position. With only seconds to shoot an historic photo, implement proper protocol in a foreign setting, or traveling on Air Force One—all are evidence of her expertise and professionalism.
The Haigazian Alumni Association and the Women’s Auxiliary appreciated the guests who spent a beautiful Sunday afternoon on June 22 at the Lakeside Golf Club in Toluca Lake, providing support for grateful students in Beirut. Lord knows they need some encouragement—having forcefully left home and family, and then arriving at the oasis of Haigazian.