Anna Boghosian, her father and her three daughters are all smiles moving into their new home

LOS ANGELES — Since the beginning of the year, Jack Youredjian and the Youredjian Family Charitable Foundation has offered major support to The Paros Foundation allocated to the move of seven families from their domiks to modern apartments in Gyumri, Armenia. Most of these people have spent their entire lives in domiks-first as children following the earthquake, and later as adults with no other economic opportunities.

“My mother, Marguerite Youredjian, spent years following the 1988 Spitak Earthquake in Gyumri helping hundreds of families who lost their homes and family members,” said Philanthropist Jack Youredjian, “my heart breaks when I see children living in these horrible conditions, and I want to do my part to try and help.”

Jhanna and her two sons welcomed Jack and Zarig Youredjian into their new apartment for a visit in early September 2019

The Paros Foundation’s Purchase a Home project has moved a total of 20 families to date, from inadequate wagons, containers and temporary shelters into clean, modern and safe apartments in Gyumri. Whenever possible, families are also given needed appliances, furniture and additional humanitarian support. Many of the families’ children also attend, or are invited to attend, the afterschool programs at the Debi Arach Children’s Center, which was launched by and is supported through The Paros Foundation.

“The housing crisis continues to effect more than 2,000 families in Gyumri. I commend Jack Youredjian and his family for their commitment to help children living in terrible conditions,” said Peter Abajian, Paros Foundation Executive Director. “Our program goals in Gyumri are two-fold, to help move as many families from domiks into apartments as possible; and secondly to work diligently through our programs at Debi Arach to empower many of these children to break their families’ cycle of poverty through academic success, career planning and vocational training. “

The Paros Foundation was launched in 2006 and has implemented more than $6.6 million worth of projects in Armenia through its unique model of philanthropy and community partnership. These projects are located throughout the country-with the majority of work focused in Gyumri and in the Tavush Region, along the border with Azerbaijan. Thanks to the generous support of Paros Founder and Chairman, Roger Strauch, all administrative expenses are underwritten, allowing 100% of donor contributions to be allocated in their entirety to the projects. To support this and other projects of The Paros Foundation, please visit


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